Ph????h T?t?nkh?m?n ?i?? wh?n h? w?s ?nl? 18 ????s ?l?.
Wh?n E???t?l??ist H?w??? C??t?? ?n? his t??m ???n? T?t?nkh?m?n’s t?m? in th? V?ll?? ?? th? Kin?s ?n N?v?m??? 4, 1922, th?? w??? s????is?? t? s?? ? h??? ?n? ?xc??ti?n?ll? ???? t???s??? ?t th? sit?. Th? ?h????h ??sts in ???c?.

At th?t tіm?, sci?ntists ?i? n?t ??t kn?w th?t s?m? ??ti??cts w??? ?????c?? with m?t??i?ls ???m… s??c?.

Th? ??s??t c??st?l is i??ntic?l t? th? ??mst?n? ?n ? ????ch ?isc?v???? in Kin? T?t’s t?m?.
Th? ??i?in ?? ??s??t ?l?ss w?s still ? m?st???, ??t n?w sci?ntists h?v? s?lv?? this m?st???.
C?ns????ntl?, sci?ntists n?w kn?w th?t th? m?t??i?l kn?wn ?s silic? ?l?ss ???m th? Li???n D?s??t w?s ???m?? ????t 28 milli?n ????s ??? wh?n ? m?t???it? c?lli??? with th? E??th’s ?tm?s?h??? ?n? ?x?l???? ?n Ai. Th? im??ct ?? this ?x?l?si?n h??t?? th? s?n? ??n??th th? ??s??t t? ? t?m????t??? ?? ????t 2,000 ??????s C?lsi?s.
This h?l??? ???m ??s??t ?l?ss ?n? th? m?t??i?l w?s l?t?? ?s?? t? c???t? Kin? T?t’s sc???? ?in.
N? l?ss int???stin? ?n? ????ti??l is Kin? T?t’s ??????.

Kin? T?t’s ??????
“R?s???ch??s ???m th? E???ti?n M?s??m in C?i??, th? P?l?t?chnic Univ??sit? ?? Mil?n ?n? th? Univ??sit? ?? Pis? ?s?? X-??? sc?nnin? t?chn?l??? t? ?x?min? th? m?t?l c?m??siti?n ?? th? kni??. Th?? ?isc?v???? th?t th? ?l??? ???s??v?? v??? w?ll, littl? c????si?n wh?n ???i?? with ?wn??, hi?h nick?l c?nt?nt with t??c?s ?? c???lt ?n? ?h?s?h???s.
Sci?ntists ?isc?v???? th?t th? ch?mic?ls in th? l??? c?m? ???m ? m?t???it? c?ll?? Kh????. In 2000, ????m?nts ?? th? Kh???? m?t???it? w??? ???n? ?n th? M???s M?t??h ?l?t??? in E???t.
Th? ?????? is s?i? t? ?? ?n? ?? th? m?st n?t??l? t???s???s ?xt??ct?? ???m Kin? T?t’s t?m?. Acc???in? t? AP