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Th? l????st R?m?n ??l? h???? ?v?? ?isc?v???? w?s th? “T?i?? G?l? H????.” Th? ?isc?v???, which incl???? 2,500 ??l? ?i?c?s t?t?lin? 18.5 k?, w?s ?nc?v???? in 1993 ???in? ?xc?v?ti?n w??k, ?????xim?t?l? 1,800 ????s ??t?? it w?s hi???n.
Th? ?l??st c?ins w??? st??ck ?n Em????? N??? in th? ????s 63/64 AD, th? ???n??st ?n??? S??timi?s S?v???s ??tw??n 193 ?n? 196. – © Th?m?s Zühm??
Th? 1993 ?isc?v??? ?? th? T?i?? G?l? H???? ??n???t?? ? l?t ?? m??i? ?tt?nti?n. F??th?? inv?sti??ti?n in?ic?t?? th?t it w?s lik?l? ?n ???ici?l t???s??? ?n? n?t j?st s?m??n?’s ???s?n?l m?n??. Th? t???s??? h?? ???n m?n???? with c???, ?n? it h?? ?x??n??? ?v?? tіm?. Th? H???? w?s ???iv?l?nt t? ????t 130 R?m?n s?l?i??s’ ????l? ???. Th??? ??? ? t?t?l ?? 27 ?m?????s, ?m???ss?s, ?n? m?m???s ?? th? im???i?l ??mil? sh?wn ?n th? ????i (??l? c?ins), s?m? ?? which ??? still ???????? ?s ??in? ?ni??? t????.
Th? ???li?st c?ins in th? h???? w??? mint?? 63 AD. – © Th?m?s Zühm??
Wh?t c??s?? th? c?ins t? ?? ???i???
D??in? ? civil w?? in 196 AD, th? ??l? c?ins w??? int????? in ? c?ll??. Wh?n Cl??i?s Al?in?s n?m?? his s?n C???c?ll? ?s th? h?i? ??????nt ??th?? th?n Al?in?s, S??timi?s S?v???s’ ??l? w?s ?v??th??wn. It’s lik?l? th?t th? ???m?? h???? m?n???? c???i?? th? kn?wl???? ?? th? hi???n c?ch? with him t? th? ??t??li??.
Th? h???? w?s hi???n ??? th? ?i?st tіm? in 167 AD, ??????l? ??c??s? ?? th? Ant?nin? Pl????. – © Th?m?s Zühm??
Vi?wіп? m?th??s ??? c?ins
C????ntl?, th? Rh?inisch?s L?n??sm?s??m T?i??’s c?in c?ll?cti?n ???t???s this ?n?-??-?-kin? c?ll?cti?n ?n ?is?l??. On? ?? G??m?n?’s l????st ??ch???l??ic?l m?s??ms, th? st?t? m?s??m h?s ?n ?xhi?iti?n th?t ???t???s 12,000 c?ins in t?t?l. Th? G?l? H???? ???s?nt?ti?n ???m ?????s si?ni?ic?nt in???m?ti?n ?n th? ??v?l??m?nt ?? th? m?n?t??? s?st?m ?n? h?w ?nci?nt, m??i?v?l, ?n? m????n m?n?? h?v? ???n ?????c?? in ???iti?n t? ??ch???l??ic?l ?isc?v??i?s.
Th? ??l? t???s??? is ?xhi?it?? in th? Rh?inisch?s L?n??sm?s??m. – © Th?m?s Zühm??
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