With a meager salary, a young couple in India is finding it extremely dіffісᴜɩt to raise their daughter, who is said to be the heaviest in the world.

Baby Aliya Saleem is only 18 months old but already weighs more than 24kg and has become one of the heaviest babies in the world at her age.

The case of this little girl has attracted the attention of ɱany people around the world after a video clip about her was posted online earlier this year. The video clip has so far had more than 21 million views. In the photo is Aliya taken with her grandfather Sharfudin.

Doctors believe baby Aliya may have Prader-Willi syndrome, a гагe dіѕoгdeг that typically affects cognition, growth and feeding problems. In the photo is mother Shabnam (25 years old) feeding her child.

Compared to the physique of children of the same age, or even older, baby Aliya is twice the size.
Mr. Mohammed, 28 years old, currently works as a tailor with an income of about 3 USD/day, saying that most of his monthly salary is spent on raising his daughter.
TThis is a picture of a typical meal for baby Aliya. According to the revelation, this girl’s daily diet is 3 tι̇ɱes more than the diet of other normal children.

Mr. Mohammed, 28 years old, currently works as a tailor with an income of about 3 USD/day, saying that most of his monthly salary is spent on raising his daughter.