Red Sox Intereѕt іn ?eunіtіng wіth Chrіѕtіan Vázquez confіrmed bу Chaіm Bloom

The interest train rolls on for the Boston Red Sox, and this time it’s certified by chief baseball officer Chaim Bloom.

Bloom confirmed on Tuesday while speaking to reporters at the winter meetings that the Red Sox are interested in bringing in catcher Christian Vázquez, whom the club have traded on this year’s trade deadline for Houston Astros to grab two prospects .

Boston already has catchers Reese McGuire and Connor Wong on its 40-man roster, but that doesn’t necessarily stop Bloom from letting the Red Sox reunite with Vázquez.

“We have good options at that position,” Bloom told reporters, per The Boston Globe’s Alex Speier. “We should always be looking to ɡet better everywhere.”

Vázquez spent more than seven seasons with the Red Sox and is a respected leader in the club. And the idea of him returning to the team he started his major league career with is not far-fetched. After leaving Boston, Vázquez left open the possibility of returning to freelance work.

But if the Red Sox want Vázquez back after the dish, they will have to сomрete with several other teams for the 32-year-old’s services. Chicago Cubs, St. The Louis Cardinals, San Diego Padres, Cleveland Guardians and Houston Astros are said to be all interested in Vázquez.

The eight-year pro һіt .274 with nine home runs and 52 RBIs between the Red Sox and Astros last regular season before Vázquez went on to wіп his second World Series title, this time with Houston.

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