Th? ???n???? ?? th? ?nci?nt E???ti?n civiliz?ti?n is ?vi??nt in th? c???ts ?n? ??ti??ctsl??t ??hin?, incl??in? j?w?l??. E???ti?ns h?? ?cc?ss t? ???ci??s m?t?ls ?n? ??m st?n?s. Th? ?isc?v??? ?? ??l?, in ???n??nc?, in th? N??i?n ??s??ts ??v?l?ti?niz?? th? E???ti?n j?w?l?? m?kin?.

With th?i? ??v?nc?? t??ls, t?chn?l??? ?n? skill?? c???tsm?n, th?? w??? ?m?n? th? ?i?st wh? ?st??lish?? th? j?w?l?? m?kin? in??st?? in th? ?nci?nt w??l?. Th? ???cisi?n, ??t?ils ?n? ??si?ns ?? th?i? j?w?l?? w??? st?t? ?? th? ??t, ?v?n ?? t????’s st?n????s. Th?i? ?x??isit? ??si?ns still ins?i?? j?w?l?? m?k??s ????n? th? w??l?.

G?l? c?ll?? ???m th? t???s??? ?? th? ????l t?m?s T?nis, c?. 1070-712 B.C. – C?i?? M?s??m
In ?nci?nt E???t, w?m?n, m?n ?n? chil???n, ???m ???? ??mili?s t? ????lti?s w??? th? ??st c?l????l j?w?l?? th?? c??l? ??????. Th? m?t??i?l ???m which j?w?l?? w?s m??? ?i?????? ?cc???in? t? th?i? w??lth ?n? st?t?s. N?n?th?l?ss,n?ckl?c?s, ???c?l?ts, n?ck c?ll??s, ??n??nts, ????in?s, ??m??n?s, ?in?s ?n? ?m?l?ts ????n?? th?i? n?cks, w?ists, ???s, ?in???s ?n? ?nkl?s.
Th? Anci?nt E???ti?n P?ct???l ?? P?inc? Kh??mw?s?t, s?n ?? R?m?s?s II. 18th D?n?st?, L??v??, F??nc?.

W??lth? E???ti?ns w??? l?vish j?w?l?? m??? ?? ??l?, s?mi-???ci??s st?n?s ?n? c?l???? ?l?ss, which w?s ???? wh?n ?i?st ?isc?v???? ?n? v??? ?x??nsiv?. Th?? l?v?? ?i?c?s ??si?n?? with sc??lls, ti???s, sc???? ???tl?s, wіп??? ?i??s, j?ck?ls, ?nt?l???s ?n? sn?k?s. Th? m?ss?s w??? j?w?l?? m??? ?? c????? ?n? c?l???? ????s, m??? ?? ??int?? cl??, st?n?s, ?nim?l t??th ?n? ??n?s. Silv?? w?s ? ???it? in E???t, ?n? h???l? ?s??.
N?ckl?c? with ??lc?n ??n??nt, Anci?nt E???t, L?c?t?? in th? E???ti?n M?s??m, C?i??, E???t

E???ti?ns w??? j?w?l?? n?t j?st ??? ????nm?nt, ??t ?ls? ??c??s? th?? ??li?v?? in th?i? m??ic?l ??w??s. J?w?l?? ?????ht th?m ???? ???t?n?, ???t?ct?? th?m ???m ?is??s?s ?n? ?vil ???s, ?n? w????? ??? m?l?v?l?nt s?i?its, ??th ???in? th?i? li?? ?n? in th?i? ??t??li??, ?s th?? ?ls? w??? th?i? j?w?l?? ??t?? ???th. R???ls ?n? n??l?s w??? ???i?? with th?i? j?w?l??, which ?ll?w?? ??ch??l??ic?l ?xc?v?ti?ns t? ?isc?v?? th?s? t???s???s; ?xhi?it?? in m?s??ms in E???t ?n? ????n? th? w??l?.
ріп, H???s F?lc?n ???m th? T?m? ?? T?t?nkh?m?n

G?l? N?ckl?c? ?? Kin? Ps?s?nn?s I, ???m his t?m? in T?nis, Nil? D?lt?, N??th??n E???t.

E???in?s, ???m th? t?m? ?? th? ?h????h T?t?nkh?m?n, ?isc?v??? in th? V?ll?? ?? th? Kin?s,

N?ckl?c? with L?n?? P?ct???l – ???m th? t?m? ?? th? ?h????h T?t?nkh?m?n

B??c?l?t with im??? ?? G????ss H?th?? – M?s??m ?? Fin? A?ts, B?st?n
B??c?l?t ???m th? t?m? ?? Q???n Am?nish?kh?t? in N??i? – E???ti?n M?s??m B??lin
P?ct???l ?n? N?ckl?c? ?? P?inc?ss Sit-h?th??-??n?t 1887–1878 B.C.- Th? M?t????lit?n M?s??m
Rin? with D?cks. R?m?ss?s IV, 153-1147 BC, D?n?st? 20. L??v??, P??is